Spinach seen in dreams symbolizes satisfaction and positive attitude to life and also good health. You can expect good news on the improvement of the health of a loved one or friend. In a negative sense, a dream about spinach foretells that you will accept unhelpful changes without hesitation and thus expose yourself to criticism and ridicule from other people.

What Does It Mean to Dream of a Spinach?
Planting spinach
A dream about planting spinach leaves is associated with an omen of taking on new challenges and work. A life full of changes awaits you. You will finally get a chance to prove yourself, and gain new knowledge and experience. It will be up to you alone to start a better life at the cost of a few hindrances and inconveniences. When you dream that other people are planting spinach it is a sign that you will demonstrate new skills and start making progress at a faster pace than you assumed at the very beginning.
Dirty spinach leaves
When you dream about dirty spinach leaves, it can mean that your diet is not complete. Most likely, you are missing important ingredients that you need to supplement. Health is the basis for continuing to overcome the obstacles that appear on your life's path at full strength.
Washing spinach leaves
A dream in which you wash spinach can indicate turmoil in your personal life and health problems. Most likely, you have concerns about whether your lifestyle will protect you from potential diseases. This time, the dreamer reveals that it is worth believing to the end and fighting to defend your values.
Eating spinach
Eating spinach in dreams usually foreshadows a long life, and can also be associated with the appearance of minor financial problems. However, chances are that you will come out of the whole situation unscathed, as luck will favor you every time. The sight of other people eating spinach in your daydreams can be linked to the improvement of the health of a close member of your family. A child refusing to eat spinach in a dream has many meanings. It can mean that you desire to make decisions for others and start imposing your will on everyone around you. Such behavior will not be beneficial to both parties and in time will lead to a breakup. A child eating spinach in the dreamer is read, as a symbol of a strong maternal instinct. Eating raw spinach is an omen of good health, provided you change your eating habits for the better.
Eating raw spinach leaves
Eating raw spinach is an omen of good health provided you change your eating habits for the better. It also means that other people will manipulate you until you allow yourself to do so. If you change your point of view, everything in your life will work out for the better.
Spinach soup
According to well-known dream symbolism, spinach soup is a sign of health and vitality. It symbolizes the strength to overcome adversity.
Rotten spinach
A dream about rotten spinach leaves is a bad omen. It can mean that the anticipation of ideal opportunities in life will never come true, as they may never happen.
Cooking spinach
When you dream about cooking spinach, it is a sign in your dreams that you will perform several actions in advance without much thought and effort. You may regret your decision and especially if you make it alone. Going for the easy way may turn out to be much worse than doing the necessary minimum.
Dream dictionary for women
A woman dreaming about spinach leaves should pay attention to her physical condition and health because these will be the most important aspects for her soon.
If a pregnant woman dreams about spinach, then this can augur a light passage of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.
Slicing spinach leaves is a harbinger of good health.
Picking spinach leaves means in dreams that your ill-considered actions will cause a lot of damage to others.